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Our lenses are 100% Custom Freeform, offering sharper and more focused vision to suit your unique prescription needs and lifestyle.

Unlike traditional lenses, which are ‘one-size-fits-all’, our Custom Freeform lenses are made bespoke for every customer. Accurate to 1/100th of a millimeter, they’re specially designed by experts to provide you with the clearest vision possible.

Here are some of the benefits of custom lenses:

[icon_box typeicon=”elegant” icon_elegant=”vc_th icon-focus” title_name=”Sharper Vision” text=”Overall vision will appear much clearer and you will be able to discern more detail at a greater distance.”]
[icon_box typeicon=”elegant” icon_elegant=”vc_th icon-layers” title_name=”Wider field of View” text=”Your vision will feel less ‘narrowed’ by your eyewear, giving you greater peripheral vision.”]
[icon_box typeicon=”elegant” icon_elegant=”vc_th icon-pictures” title_name=”Improved depth Perception” text=”Judging distance will feel a lot easier and more innate.”]
[vc_empty_space height=”70px”]
[icon_box typeicon=”elegant” icon_elegant=”vc_th icon-bargraph” title_name=”Enhanced Colour Vision” text=”Your perception of colours will become more accurate.”]
[icon_box typeicon=”elegant” icon_elegant=”vc_th icon-calendar” title_name=”Comfort” text=”Custom lenses are much more ‘easy on the eyes’ than standard lenses and will significantly improve your eye comfort.”]
[icon_box typeicon=”elegant” icon_elegant=”vc_th icon-desktop” title_name=”Better Night Vision” text=”Your eyes will find it easier to adjust to changes in light conditions.”]

Multifocal Lenses

If you have difficulty seeing both up close and at a distance, multifocal lenses are the ideal solution.

Unlike older style lenses, multifocal lenses automatically adjust to different distances without having lines on the surface of the lenses.


Dealing with Eyestrain

If you often work in front of a screen or deal with demanding tasks that strain your eyes, there can be a serious long term impact on your vision.

Our Custom Anti-fatigue and Office lenses can treat or eliminate computer vision syndrome, eye fatigue, headaches, neck and back pain, and dry eyes.


Digital Life Lenses


Lenses for your phone and your computer. The optimal lenses for looking at your phone are almost always different from the lenses required to look at your tablet / computer due to the different working distances. Our digital life lenses give you accurate and comfortable focus at both of these distances.

[cta cta_style=”style3″ cta_if_button=”yes_please” cta_button_text=”Book an Appointment” cta_title=”Lose Your Lackluster Lenses” cta_description=”Drop us a line today for high-quality custom lenses, that won’t have you looking back!” cta_link=”url:%2Fbook-appointment%2F|title:Book%20Appointment||”]

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